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Less is more: how to build the right customer service mindset

customer service mindset featured image

If you want your business to thrive, your customer service team needs to have the right customer service mindset.

Too often, owners and managers get caught up in the day-to-day operations of their company and lose sight of customer experience. 

A customer service mindset is essential for any business that wants to provide excellent customer service. When it is absent, customers spot it right away. They can see it in your body language, they hear it in the tone of your voice, and they feel it in the way you interact with them. 

Businesses need to ensure that their employees receive the right customer service mindset training. It’s also important to create a customer-friendly environment, where customers feel valued and respected. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to demonstrate a customer service mindset. 

Here are a few tips to help get you started.

What is a customer service mindset?

A customer service mindset is all about putting the customer first. It is about demonstrating that you care about their satisfaction and meeting their needs. 

This means that, no matter the situation, you always aim to please the customer. But it can be challenging, especially when your customer is angry or upset.

A customer service mindset is more than just providing good service — it is about creating a relationship with the customer.

You can demonstrate a customer-service mindset in many ways, but it generally boils down to being patient, respectful, and responsive. 

Here are some interesting facts to consider:

  • 86% of customers say they would not do business with a company again after just one bad customer service experience.
  • 76% of customers say they would leave a company for a competitor after a bad customer service experience.
  • 96% of customers say that customer service is important in their decision to do business with a company.  
  • 94% of customers say they would likely recommend a company to others after a positive customer service experience. 
  • 86% of customers say they are willing to pay more for better customer service. 

Think of yourself as a freelancer. If you can show your customers that you are willing to go the extra mile to help them, you will be ahead of the competition. When you have a good relationship with a customer, they are more likely to return and recommend your business to others. 

Why is a service mindset important?

Creating a customer service mindset is necessary for several reasons.

First, it demonstrates that you care about your customers’ experience. Secondly, it shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to ensure they are happy with their purchase. Finally, it sets you apart from your competition — demonstrating that you are a customer-focused business. 

Foot Locker Europe, for example, always makes sure to put the customer at the heart of everything they do. And it is this customer-first approach that helps them consistently improve the quality of their service.  

Read more: How Foot Locker Europe cut Resolution Time by 75% with Kaizo

How to build the right customer service mindset

Most people who are bad at customer service don’t have the right customer mindset. They see it as a necessary evil, something they have to do. Instead, you should see customer service as an opportunity. It is an opportunity to help people and make their day a little bit better. And when you approach it with that mindset, you’ll be surprised with how much more enjoyable it becomes. 

Of course, there is more to building the right customer service mindset than just changing your attitude. You also need proper training to know how to handle difficult customers, defuse angry complaints, and turn unhappy customers into lifelong fans. 

Without that training, your good intentions will quickly fall by the wayside. Here’s how to build and demonstrate a customer service mindset.

Study the customer

study the customer service mindset

If you want to have the right customer service mindset, understanding the customer mindset is paramount. This means taking the time to get to know them, their needs and wants, and their pain points. In short, invest in customer intelligence. Only then will you be able to provide the level of service they want. 

There are lots of things out there to help you with this — from surveys and emails to direct chats and anonymous reviews. Customer service mindset training can teach you everything you need to know about building rapport, active listening, and meeting customer needs. With the right training, you’ll be able to approach every customer interaction confidently, knowing that you have the skills and knowledge to deliver an exceptional experience.

Establish a customer-first culture

establish customer first culture

A customer-first culture means that the customer is always your priority. This does not mean that you never put yourself first, but it does mean that you always keep the customer in mind. Great customer service is about meeting the customer’s needs, not just getting the sale done. 

After all, the first step to establishing a customer-first culture is instilling a service mindset in all employees. 

For example, call center agents should always try to resolve a customer’s issue on the first call (you can check that using the metric First Contact Resolution, aka FCR), and if they are unable to do so, they should escalate the call to a supervisor. By having a well-defined process for handling customer inquiries, you can ensure that your employees are always putting the customer first.

Lead by example

If you want your employees to provide great customer service, you need to lead by example. 

You can’t expect them to be friendly and helpful to their customers if you treat them anything less than that. Show them what it means to provide excellent service, and they’ll follow your lead. Leading by example, you can create a customer service culture that will benefit your business for years.

Interestingly, good leadership is not as common as one would think. Gallup’s State of the American Manager report found that one in two people leave their job because of a bad manager and because they want to improve their life in general. 

Securing proper employee engagement, guidance, and leadership is key for building a strong customer service team and a proper customer-focused mindset. 

Read more: How END. built their best support team ever

Continuously train agents

By providing regular training, you can ensure that your agents are always up-to-date on the latest customer service methods and techniques. Ensure that the customer service training curriculum is reviewed as things change to include everything your team should know about the customer persona and buying habits. 

Furthermore, continuous training helps to foster a culture of customer service within your company. When your agents feel like they are constantly learning and growing, they will be more motivated to provide excellent service. 

But above all, this training should be tailored to the individual needs of each Agent. Do you know their weaknesses? Have you managed to spot some learning opportunities while doing quality assurance? Be sure to use those findings when designing your coaching sessions, supplementing them with data-based evidence and actionable advice. 

Read more: Kaizo guide to coaching teams for better performance outcomes

Be resourceful — nothing goes to waste!

In business, we often talk about the importance of being resourceful. This means making the most of what you have and not wasting anything. The client service mindset is all about this.

It is about using your existing resources to provide the best possible service to your clients. This might mean coming up with creative solutions to problems and learning how to use your current team to its maximum capacity by optimizing workloads and processes. 

Whatever it means for you, a customer service mindset is all about getting the most out of what you have and ensuring that nothing goes to waste. So next time you feel stuck, think about how you can be more resourceful and ensure that your clients always get the best possible service from you.

Get proactive — let your agents reach out to customers first

build proactive service teams

So you want your client service team to be proactive rather than reactive? Good thinking. 

Proactive client service asks you to take action before your clients come to you with a problem. It is anticipatory rather than responsive and a great way to show your clients that you care about their experience.

There are a few ways to get started with proactive client service. First, you can create a client service mindset action plan. This plan should outline the steps your team will take to address issues that may arise. It should also identify the circumstances under which your team will reach out to clients, and what information they’ll need to provide the best possible service.

Another way to encourage proactive client service is to ensure your agents have the tools and resources they need to be successful. This means giving them access to customer data, as well as providing training on how to use that data to identify potential issues. Additionally, your agents should feel empowered to reach out to clients when they see something they could do better. 

Final thoughts  

In business, it is necessary to leave no stone unturned when looking for ways to improve the customer experience. It might mean going the extra mile to resolve a problem or following up after a sale to ensure the customer is happy. 

Whatever it takes, you should always look for ways to exceed customer expectations. By creating a culture of outstanding customer service, you will not only retain more customers — you will also attract new ones. 

With a little effort, you can create a customer service mindset that will help you stand out from the competition and increase sales. What’s your take, what should employees do to maintain a customer service mindset?

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