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Get performance insights at a glance with Team Scorecard

Kaizo's performance insights

Most customer support Team Leads today use a series of complicated dashboards and spreadsheets to assess and take action on their team’s performance. Whilst these tools are meant to make performance assessment easier and more effective, they’re often extremely time/resource costly, difficult to use, and inaccurate.

The time Team Leads are forced to invest in the tedious tasks of extracting and organizing this information could be better spent on their team’s performance development. 

That’s why we’re excited to announce Kaizo’s Team Scorecard, your customer support team’s performance overview tool. It saves Team Leads and CSM’s hours on data entry every week and allows them to easily monitor team performance, pinpoint problem areas, forecast, and prepare reports all in one scorecard.

What is Team Scorecard?

Team Scorecard

Team Scorecard is the team management tool you’ve been waiting for. The easy-to-use interface provides a detailed overview of your team’s performance by aggregating and analyzing your agents’ data in real-time.

The scorecard is completely customizable. It allows you to quickly switch between different teams, dates, metrics, and individual agents to view the exact data you need all in one place.

Want to know your team’s average handling time and how much it has improved per team? Per month? Or even per channel? Get all of that information in seconds.

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More time saving, less time wasting

40% of workers spend at least a quarter of their workweek on manual, repetitive tasks like data collection, entry, and calculations. Customer support Team Leads are no exception.

We feel that pain. So that’s why we automated this whole process and put it into one easy to use scorecard. No need for technical onboarding, complicated dashboards, queries, or spreadsheets. Get all your team’s metrics in one place in real-time.

“Team Scorecard saves me 3-4 hours every week on metrics analysis. Now I can spend this time improving my 2nd line team’s operational processes”

Ingmar Lodewijk– Quality Officer at NMBRS


Team Scorecard helps:

  • Team Leads: Increase operational capacity. The intuitive, out of the box tool requires no training, no dashboard building, and no data transfer. Meaning more time to spend on developing your team.
  • Heads of Support: Save time normally spent on coaching Team Leads on advanced skills needed for analytics tools.


Manage multiple teams from one single control center

Managing teams with scorecard

With more and more companies extending their customer support efforts throughout multiple locations around the world, keeping on top of each team’s performance can be complicated.

Most managers require their team leads around the globe to manually generate performance reports, only receiving updates days later. By this time the numbers have often changed dramatically and can be subject to human error. This also leaves the time-consuming task of manually comparing and evaluating each team’s performance report to the manager.

Team Scorecard allows managers to see how each of their teams are performing in one place, in real-time.

Say goodbye to outdated reports. With a single click, you can compare entire teams or individual agents based on metrics, channels, and time periods/zones. Comparing and evaluating performance has never been so seamless.


“Before using Kaizo, the metrics we used for performance reports were not in real-time. So by the time I received a report, the numbers had changed. Now we don’t even need daily reports. I can check everything around the globe in real-time within seconds”

 Filip Telinoiu – QA & Training Team Lead at Tripaneer


Team Scorecard helps:

  • Team Leads: Easily export performance data straight from the Scorecard with a single click.  This avoids the chances of human error and allows you to prepare insightful performance reports with real-time data.
  • Managers/Heads of Support: Monitor, compare, and evaluate multiple teams from one scorecard.


Pinpoint performance problems in seconds

it can be hard to pinpoint exactly where you went right or wrong at the end of the month/quarter, when you are reviewing your team’s performance. Sifting through endless sets of data to try and distinguish why, where, and how your team needs to improve can be difficult to nail down.

With Team Scorecard you can segment your team’s performance data into multiple categories to ensure you easily locate where you need to improve based on:

  • Metrics: Team Scorecard allows you to see how your team is performing per metric. Team Leads can easily see their teams average in real-time with live trend updates, depicting on a team and per agent level, how much your team has improved or declined per metric as a %.
  • Channel: Users can easily select teams (single or multiple) and look per channel to see where they may be going wrong. For example, you may notice your team’s CSAT on talk channels has dropped 15%. This indicates the Team Lead may need to do phone training to upskill that team. This takes the guesswork out of choosing where to focus your resources.
  • Team: Compare performance per team or drill-in further to identify how each agent’s performance is contributing to the team’s average. This makes it easier than ever to identify outliers and get ahead of problems through targeted proactive training.
  • Time: With access to real-time and historical data, Team Leads can identify trends in periods where your teams are thriving or struggling. For example, you may see that on Mondays your teams have a dip in tickets solved. Perhaps you may need to staff more agents that day.


“Seeing 3 metrics side by side helps build a picture. We can understand correlations between certain metrics such as average response time & CSAT and drill in to see what we can work on to fix larger-scale problems”

Mike Miner- Head of Customer Support at JustPark

Data-driven forecasting with Team Scorecard

Customer support is an industry of peak and trough periods. Some are predictable and can be planned for and others you can’t see coming (like the pandemic we’re facing now).

To be prepared, teams need to forecast properly. However, forecasting software can often be overly complicated and expensive.

Team Scorecard allows you to compare real-time and historical data in a matter of seconds. This makes it simple to identify trends in ticket volume, comments per hour and other metrics to discover which periods require more resources and which less. Staffing and hiring have never been faster, leaner or more data-driven.


“When we have a heavy backlog, it’s super important to be able to quickly overview how our team is performing. With Kaizo we can track our comments per hour in real-time and use this for data-driven forecasting”

Charles Damore– Global CC Ops Excellence Specialist at Marleyspoon

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