
Get top-tier AI with Kaizo — now featuring models like Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT4o. Try them and pick your favorite!

Due to popular demand, Kaizo is now on Salesforce!

Be among the trailblazers using Kaizo on Salesforce.
Big teams, big management, bigger impact with Kaizo by your side!

70,000+ users worldwide. Join now.

AI-powered Quality Assurance

Reach 100% coverage

-> Rate all tickets in real time with Auto QA
-> Organize tickets by Sentiment & Empathy levels
-> Swiftly detect issues by analyzing root causes
-> Review GPT-generated conversation summaries 
-> Filter tickets effortlessly using AI-based criteria

Real-time Performance Insights

Minimize metric analysis time

-> Check performance drill-ins for rapid issue detection
-> Pinpoint underperformers and strategize coaching
-> Swiftly compare team and individual outcomes
-> Generate precise reports with just a few clicks

Performance Coaching

Point agents in the right direction

-> Identify root causes behind negative results
-> Build improvement roadmaps based on data insights
-> Foster a continuous feedback loop powered by AI
-> Guide your team towards improvement
-> Gain complete control over the coaching cycle

Agent Motivation

Reach peak performance

-> Drive agent engagement with gamification
-> Use AI-generated goals to motivate agents
-> Celebrate achievements and offer in-app rewards
-> Cultivate a dynamic and committed workforce

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