
Get top-tier AI with Kaizo — now featuring models like Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT4o. Try them and pick your favorite!

All-in-one management for large support teams

Supercharge team performance with Auto QA, AI insights, coaching, and gamified engagement.

Enjoy Kaizo Quick Access (KQA): Exclusive in-app features within Zendesk interface, streamlining your workflow and eliminating tab jumping

2 min install
No customer data stored

70,000+ users worldwide. Join now.

All key data directly in Zendesk

-> Save time and eliminate tab jumping by rating tickets directly within Zendesk.

-> Enable early detection of critical mistakes and accelerate performance progress for agents.

Performance progress dashboards

-> Easily track personal or team successes directly within Zendesk, no switching to other platforms.

-> Cultivate a data-driven culture by empowering agents with real-time visibility into their progress.

In-app notifications

-> Get in-app notifications about major ticket events, like new notes, ticket reopens, or challenged NRR.

-> Stay up-to-date about agents’ performance and activity without leaving Zendesk.

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