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Kaizo vs MaestroQA: Who’s leading the QA & performance management game?

kaizo vs maestroqa comparison

A successful customer support team should use digital solutions that help with all of their goals. That includes both quality assurance and everything else that can keep your employees engaged, happy, and productive.

MaestroQA only focuses on quality assurance. So you simply won’t be able to handle other essential tasks like managing and improving your team’s performance, tracking performance metrics, or setting goals. Unless you get another tool on top of it, making your tech space clunkier and more expensive.

Kaizo, on the other end, helps with all this, plus QA.

So we’re diving into the similarities and differences between these two options. By the end of this side-by-side comparison, you should be able to understand which customer support quality management platform is best suited for you.

Kaizo vs MaestroQA: Quick comparison

kaizo vs maestroqa comparison table

Kaizo vs MaestroQA: Which is best?

It’s worth noting that both solutions are brilliant when it comes to QA needs. 

In fact, Kaizo and MaestroQA each come with advanced Automated Quality Assurance as well as QA insights, Root Cause Analysis, and ticket filtering.

However, MaestroQA’s capabilities end at its quality assurance features. That’s where Kaizo jumps in with more core functionalities for all kinds of support teams.

Let’s have a look at Kaizo vs MaestroQA to see how they compare and explore your next options!

Kaizo vs MaestroQA: Are they similar?

There are two fundamental similarities Kaizo and MaestroQA share:

  1. They provide a complete suite of features for automating QA efforts
  2. They help managers with extensive QA reporting and insights

These shared functionalities include:

  • Automated Quality Assurance
  • QA insights and root cause analysis
  • Customizable QA scorecards (Note: MaestroQA lacks automatic scoring)
  • Multi-level reporting
  • Agent feedback and coaching
  • Channel-based filtering
  • Ticket filtering
  • Customizable roles and user permissions

Upon a quick look, MaestroQA seems to offer the same level of insights as Kaizo. Dig in deeper though and you’ll notice MaestroQA’s reporting ends with QA and doesn’t tap into agent performance like Kaizo does.

Kaizo vs MaestroQA: How are they different

Let’s explore some more differentiators by looking at each feature and use case in detail!

Workforce engagement and gamification

Kaizo is one of the few customer support quality management platforms to boast workforce engagement capabilities. On top of this, Kaizo’s own coaching tools rely on gamification, making the entire work experience much more fun and engaging for agents. 

Kaizo’s Missions leverages a gamified system to ensure exceptional customer service even during periods of high demand. Each team member is represented by an avatar of a ninja to meet targets in terms of speed, quality, and productivity. This tool enables agent success through personalized goals, transparent communication, and effortless goal tracking.

Missions in Kaizo

It’s worth noting that MaestroQA also provides similar advanced coaching and performance management capabilities but without the gamification option. 

AI functionalities

MaestroQA has yet to develop features that rely on artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, Kaizo uses AI to maximize your agent’s efficiency as well as grow your customer support services. 

With AI-driven call transcriptions in more than 50 languages, you can target a worldwide audience. Kaizo’s AI Conversation Summary also turns discussions into summaries, so you can make knowledgeable choices and speed up your evaluation processes.

Data and reporting

MaestroQA doesn’t natively provide insights into agent performance. They have an integration with Assembled (a tool only for performance management) too but users would only be paying more, have two tools to manage, and data won’t flow easily because of the constant back and forths. 

With Kaizo, you can get advanced insights on both QA and agent performance in one tool. To help with this, Kaizo gives you access to real-time performance data on 35+ metrics.

Zendesk integration

Yes, both tools have a Zendesk integration. Problem is that MaestroQA doesn’t provide the user authentication and ticket view window that Kaizo does. Plus, it’s not nearly as well integrated with Zendesk as Kaizo. Check out this special Kaizo Quick Access you will be able to enjoy with Kaizo (MaestroQA has no such alternative). 

Zendesk and Kaizo have already done all the necessary authorizations, so you can start using Kaizo without any further installation. This process is simply a few clicks and is more straightforward than many other tools, including MaestroQA, which require additional steps to integrate with data.

From the end-user’s perspective in Kaizo, the view of the agent’s conversations from Zendesk is improved compared to MaestroQA, thanks to:

  • A higher level of detail for data pulled from Zendesk
  • Top performance metrics such as CSAT, FRT, and PR
  • Status changes to understand if the agent followed the right ticket-handling processes
  • Its AI elements such as analysis of customer sentiment and agent empathy as well as an AI Summary for entire tickets


Perhaps one of the biggest issues with MaestroQA is that there’s no transparent pricing. You can only get an estimate of the cost if you make an official request. This means the MaestroQA has complete control over how much they charge you. 

Kaizo offers fully transparent and fair pricing anyone can see on the pricing page.

So, which one should you pick?

It’s always best to rely on a platform to cater to both QA and agent performance needs. That’s because you’ll want to keep agent engagement at peak levels to keep productivity high, reduce absenteeism, and improve the overall customer experience

Kaizo stands out among other tools for providing just that! Its Missions encourage agents to complete objectives with the use of gamification, creating an atmosphere of purpose and allowing them to reach their goals.

Kaizo will also help you take advantage of all your performance insights. This is a key element missing from MaestroQA that will help you give your agents more visibility into their work and QA process alike. This means you can use Kaizo to make decisions based on real-time data and recognize any patterns, tendencies, and aspects that need to be tweaked. 

Try for free!

As per our general recommendations: It’s always best to give the tools a try yourself and get your team involved too!

For a custom look at Kaizo and its latest Samurai AI extension works, you can try them for free or book a demo to see them in action.

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